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William Blake 'The Tiger/Tyger' poem, tasks and answers

William Blake 'The Tiger/Tyger' poem, tasks and answers

A comprehensive set of tasks for students to understand and analyse the poem. All tasks are differentiated using stars (*-All, **- Most, ***-Some) and extension tasks are provided for more able students/early finishers. Alternatively, they could be set for homework. A handy copy of the poem is provided, as well as answers to the questions, which could be displayed for self/peer assessment.
La Belle Dame Sans Merci poem and worksheets

La Belle Dame Sans Merci poem and worksheets

The poem and a summary of the content are provided, as well as some brief notes on the form and structure. Teacher answers to questions are added on a separate word document to display and have students mark if required. Tasks include an image based quotation search, questions of increasing difficulty about the content of the poem to encourage close reading and various activities related to form, structure and tone. Learning objectives are included and there is also a glossary and extension tasks at the end.
Fun persuasive homework project - design and sell a computer game

Fun persuasive homework project - design and sell a computer game

A great way to reinforce a persuasive writing unit. This project is creative and allows students to enjoy doing their homework, whilst learning valuable skills. The project includes a detailed outline of the task, what they can and can't do and how it will be assessed (class assessed through S&L presenting to the class - also useful for a S&L grade).
Persuasive Writing Task - Persuade a friend to visit your area GCSE English Exam Preparation

Persuasive Writing Task - Persuade a friend to visit your area GCSE English Exam Preparation

This task is highly differentiated as students are provided with a planning sheet, which reminds them to use persuasive devices and outlines ideas for each paragraph. There is a sample introductory paragraph, reminders, word-bank and sentence starters for less able students, as well as extension tasks for the more able. There is a matching task for a lesson starter with an 'add your own example' column and extension for more able or early finishers. Teacher answers are also included and can be displayed. The answers are colour-coded for students to self-mark. A PowerPoint presentation outlines all tasks and includes a peer assessment task for the end and also includes differentiated objectives.
Words borrowed from other Languages/ The Origins of English

Words borrowed from other Languages/ The Origins of English

A series of worksheets to help students to understand the complexities of the English Language. Activities on prefixes/suffixes and their meanings, as well as subject specific words. Ideal activities for more able students to challenge and extend. Can easily be used as homework to support topics: the History of the English Language, grammar: prefixes and suffixes.
Common Errors student place-mat for writing support

Common Errors student place-mat for writing support

A handy, colourful sheet, which summarises the most common errors in English. This is a useful sheet to glue into student books so they can refer to for self-assessment. It can also be laminated and put on desks for students to refer to as they work and/or to peer/self assess writing.
Essay vocabulary helpsheet/bookmark

Essay vocabulary helpsheet/bookmark

A range of vocabulary to help students express their ideas in a more sophisticated way. Words have been organised into themes commonly explored in literature. There are also general essay words e.g. other words for 'shows' and helpful phrases. The resource can be copied and glued into student books for easy reference. Alternatively they can be cut out, glued back to back and laminated to make a selection of bookmark shaped classroom tools.
Developing the use of Adjectives, verbs and adverbs

Developing the use of Adjectives, verbs and adverbs

Eight worksheets to revise adjectives, verbs and adverbs and encourage students to use a wider, more ambitious range of vocabulary correctly. Worksheets include an explanation of each term with examples, differentiation by task and extension tasks. All work includes an assessment method (peer, self, class etc) for super simple in class marking. Differentiated objectives are included for each grammatical term and students tick the objective level they feel they have achieved at the end of the lesson.
Peer/self assessment marking descriptor grids

Peer/self assessment marking descriptor grids

These grids are ideal to copy and hand to students to assess an extended piece of work/essay. It gives the grades 1-8 and matching descriptors. Students tick the level they think they/peer is at and provide a quotation from the students work for evidence of that level. This is aimed at GCSE/IGCSE students and works particularly well with more able pupils.
Homework Project

Homework Project

A project based on the reading of a novel over an extended period of time; ideal for holiday homework. Specific links are outlined for GCSEs, but the project can also be used for KS2 and 3. This is excellent preparation for year 9 over the summer as a transition from KS3 to KS4 and/or to develop the reading and language skills of year 10 groups. The project includes a range of tasks which support the skills needed to succeed in English Language and Literature GCSEs/IGCSEs. The tasks are categorised into the following sections: research, writing, analytical and creative, to appeal to different learners and cover a range of skills. There are specific guidelines included for presentation and emphasis is placed on the development of independent learning i.e. students must learn to manage their work and time effectively in order to meet the teacher's deadline.